Worshiping... Together.
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We are REAL people with REAL problems worshiping a REAL God with REAL solutions.
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Our History
Strayhorn Baptist Church was built as a cornerstone for the Strayhorn community back in 1884. The church, originating as a log cabin, sits on its original site. A number of our current members are descendants to some of the original founding families. We are a church deeply rooted in history with a heart for the future of God’s kingdom. We are a cooperating church with the Southern Baptist Convention, Mississippi Baptist Convention and X-Tended Missions Network Association. We believe spreading the Good News of Jesus Christ should start in our own schools, our own communities and our own backyards. EVERYONE is welcome at Strayhorn Baptist Church. Come on in, we’ll save you a seat!
Our Mission
The church is just a hospital for sinners. We are ALL sinners. Every one of us. At SBC, our mission is to evangelize the lost sinners and to empower the saved ones with God’s Word.

Our Beliefs
The Bible is the Word of God.
God is Three Persons (The Trinity).
Jesus Christ is God’s only Begotten Son.
The Holy Spirit indwells and comforts believers.
The Holy Spirit convicts of sin and saves through regeneration.
Man is sinful in his original condition.
There is Salvation in Jesus Christ alone.
There is a literal Heaven.
There is a literal Hell.
Satan is real and hates God’s children.
The importance and autonomy of the Local Church.
Believer’s Baptism and the Lord’s Supper.
Giving sacrificially of our time, talents & money.
Spreading the Gospel globally.
Since 1884

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