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Kids & Teens

Jesus said, ‘Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them; for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.”
Matthew 19:14


SBC Kids

SBC has a growing children’s ministry supported by a dynamic group of teachers who are constantly crafting new ways to teach your children about the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Remember, train up a child in the way he should go and even when he is old he will not depart from it.


At SBC, we believe in the value of investing in our younger generation of disciples. Soon, they will be tasked with God’s most simple commandment…. GO. Our job as teachers is to shape, support and encourage our teens. They are not the future… they are the RIGHT NOW. Our youth group is engaged and motivated for the Lord. They make up nearly 20% of our congregation and are continually growing.


SBC Babies

A church without the sounds of babies crying and little footsteps running through the sanctuary is a boring church! We love our littles! SBC's newly redesigned nursery allows plenty of space for our most precious cargo to let loose. Our nursery volunteers (the young at heart) love spending time with our babies, teaching them, reading to them and singing songs. This allows mom and dad to focus on hearing a message from the Lord, keeping their knowledge and studying God's word, without worrying about the safety and wellbeing of the kiddos.

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Parents are provided with a numbered pager meant to alert parents if you are needed in the nursery. This silent alert system allows you to slip quietly out of the sanctuary on those mornings when baby needs a little extra reassurance from mom or dad. All children under 5 are required to stay in their group room during and after service until a parent signs them out.

The safety of your children is our number one priority. For this reason, all children's activities are monitored via closed-circuit video monitoring. Additionally, all doors to the building are magnetically locked once service starts to ensure safety and constant eyes on all children while they are in our care.

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