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Sporting Clay Fundraiser


Our Fundraising Mission

Let's face it... the world has gone crazy! Now, more than ever, it is vitally important that we teach our children about the love of Jesus Christ. They need to be poured into. Discipled. Spiritually fed. One of our most important events throughout the year is attending summer Church Camp. Camp is a week-long event allowing us to take the youth out of their worldly environments and place them into a "protective bubble" of sorts. During the week, we spend approximately 120 solid hours teaching our children about the infallible word of God, teaching them the value of salvation, teaching them to pray and showing them how to be disciples for Christ, and share the gospel with their friends, families and classmates.


Unfortunately, the costs associated with taking 40 children to church camp can be a financial barrier for many families. It is our mission to make sure each and every one of our kids who would like to attend camp have the opportunity to go and are not held back by a family's inability to pay. We want our kids to be able to spend time building a relationship with their Creator and learn to love others like the One who first loved us. You know they say, "It takes a village". By participating in this fundraiser, you are part of our village. You are helping our kids further the Kingdom of Heaven. For that, we are grateful.

Church Camp is a time when our youth come together to discover what it means to follow God. It's also a time for them to discover that they are not alone. It's a time to discuss the things happening in their homes, their schools and their hearts... and all the ways a relationship with Jesus Christ can help them navigate the uncertain waters of today's world. We are training them to be IN the world... not OF the world.

Fundraiser Information

Date: November 4, 2023


Where: Desoto Rifle & Pistol Club

              7171 Compress Road,

              Como, MS 38619


Cost per person = $100

Team of 4 = $400


8AM - Registration / Safety Briefing for AM Shooters

9AM - Morning Shoot Commences

12PM - Break for Lunch

1PM - Award for AM Top Gun


12PM - Registration / Safety Briefing for PM Shooters

1PM - Afternoon Shoot Commences

5PM - Award for PM Top Gun

No group minimum. Money is due at the time of registration. 

There will be food trucks on site for food and refreshments. The youth whom you are supporting will also be on site helping make sure everything runs smoothly.

There will be 2 waves of shooters. One group will shoot from 9am until 12pm. The second wave will shoot from 1pm until 4pm. There will be a prize for the Top Gun in each wave.


The event will be held RAIN or SHINE! You are welcome to bring your UTV or golf cart. Indoor restroom facilities are available. 


You will need:

Shotgun with plenty of ammunition

Eye Protection

Ear Protection



Event Registration Form

Single $100
PayPal ButtonPayPal Button
Group $400
PayPal ButtonPayPal Button
Please Select One
When Would You Like To Shoot?

You may also pay through Venmo or bring a check/cash on the day of the event. But don't forget to register!!

Please include your name and phone number.
Venmo = @StrayhornBaptistYouth

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